How many times have you been invited to a meeting in which you arrive only to find out there was no thinking done ahead of time? Good internal comms is the twin sister of effective meetings. Below is an actual example of an email I sent to a team of comms contractors when I was working as a CCO. A product was ready, and we needed a kick-off call to develop the communications strategy.
Hey all,
I'd like us to get on a short call to brainstorm the best way to market this phenomenal product to our audience and beyond. Here is what I'd like to discuss when we meet:
Who is our audience for this?
What is the CTA?
Download the curriculum?
Buy the curriculum?
What are we trying to do?
Get more emails for our lists?
Build trust with our audience?
Cultivate a NEW audience?
When do we launch the campaign?
Reverse engineering from that date
Paid ads
Earned media
Email marketing
Assets needed
Landing page?
Promo copy
And here's a bonus tip: I also included the content of this email in the calendar invite once we'd landed on a time to meet. That helps everyone remember why we're even gathering in the first place.